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Travel blog

Every country is Known for its rich and varied culture and is famous for it's delicious food which is constitutes of several regional dishes and the exotic locations with beautiful scenery that the country offer. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Lao Tzu Traveling for us puts things into perspective. which allows us to realize that there are far bigger things that our problems. So what if the wifi is slow or if my favorite ramen place is closed. Traveling allows you to see that the world is not always about you. It allows to see how other people live and what they have to deal with on a daily basis. Travel breaks down routines, monotony and brings back some adventure, excitement, and exploration to people’s lives. Travel is experiencing things beyond the usual and is consistently challenging, exciting, and fulfilling. Usually, the experiences that are most meaningful are those that you don’t plan for. Interacting with locals, making new friends, or even getting lost. These are now things that we live for and love the most about traveling

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